I First Name Last Name , In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Eddie D. Jones O-Meet at Eddie D Jones Park on date listed above, and co-sponsored by the Ark-La-Tex Orienteering Society (ALTOS), I hereby agree to assume full responsibility for any and all risks and for my and my children's own safety and do further hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation, ALTOS, and Gary Pomraning (Meet Director) and all of their officers, employees, and agents, acting officially or otherwise, from any and all liability (whether by negligence, strict liability, or other fault), and from any and all claims, demands, actions, debts, and attorney fees arising out of, claimed on account of, or in any manner predicated on loss or damage to the property of and injuries to, or death of, any persons whatsoever, which may result from my or my children's participation or presence within the limits of the Eddie D Jones in connection with the aforesaid meet or program, and do further hereby waive forever any claims, demands, or actions I or my children may have arising therefrom. The undersigned, if not already a member Orienteering USA, is granted a one-timeguest membership to Orienteering USA for the dates stated below. Pleasenote that this membership does not entitle you to the entire list of benefitsof an annual member.Runner Name Date* Signature* Legal Guardian (if under 18)First Name Last Name Signature
Please bring cash or check to the event.
Register on or before 01/29/2025 - $8 ($6 for ALTOS and orienteering club members) per person
Register after 02/01/2024 - $10 ($8 for ALTOS and orienteering club members) per person