TGQF Faculty Fellowships are the humanities-grounded creative center of discussion-based and student-centered pedagogical development in the liberal arts, providing a leadership incubator for faculty who will transform general education at the community college through the values of discussion-based learning. We are grateful to the Mellon Foundation for their generous support of this fellowship. Before completing this application, please carefully read through the Fellowship details here:
The 2024 – 2026 fellowship is open to all community college faculty members who teach in the humanities or humanities-based social sciences, both full-time and adjunct, with at least four semesters of teaching experience in credit-bearing courses that meet general education or core curriculum requirements. Faculty may apply as individuals, but are encouraged to apply as college-based teams of 3-4 faculty, and teams may include some representation from other disciplines if the team intends to work on humanities-based learning across the disciplines.
Only one application should be submitted form each team. Please select a lead applicant, who will fill out and submit this form, and who will be our main point of contact for the purposes of the Fellowship.
The application deadline for the 2024-2025 Fellowship is October 15, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Time. Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the Fellowship Directors and four community colleges instructional leaders from multiple campuses. Notifications will be sent by November 1, 2024.
Thanks for you time in completing this application!
Ted Hadzi-Antich Jr. (
Grant Potts (
TGQF Fellowship Co-directors