Downtown Trick Or Treat Scarecrow Contest Sign-Up
We will be hosting a scarecrow contest for businesses. There will be prizes awarded for the most original and best representation of your business. They will be displayed on the light poles downtown. The community will vote for the winners during the Downtown Trick or Treat event. Rules: 1. Must be family friendly. 2. Cannot use wire (use twine or zip ties instead). 3. No taller than 8 feet. 4. Business name must be marked using a sign. 5. No generators or tiki torches. 6. No Political, religious or controversial scarecrows. Chamber/City of Dell Rapids is not responsible for loss or damage. We reserve the right to remove any scarecrows we deem inappropriate. Scarecrows will be assembled on October 24th or 25th by Noon and removed on October 26th.
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
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