- Are you a GSA Alum currently still in High School?
- Are you looking for an elevated platform to spread your personal GSA story?
- Would you like to help inspire the next generation of GSA students?
If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, you have come to the right place!
Complete this registration form and begin the process of becoming a GSA Student Ambassador. Participation from Alumni like you helps us amp up the excitement around our program as well as get others excited at the prospect of having a chance to attend GSA.
Please fill out the information below and select a Virutal Orientation Session. This will be a brief 20-30 minute Virtual Orientation in which we will cover expectations, materials, and share a short Q&A session to answer any of your lingering questions. You must attend an Orientation Session in order to become a GSA Student Ambassador. If the listed dates and times do not work for you, please reach out to us and we will see what accomodations can be made.