Every time it rains, stormwater carries nutrients from fertilizers, bacteria from pet waste, and chemicals from herbicides and pesticides from our homes to local waterways. Using a rain barrel at home is a way to reduce stormwater pollution and conserve water. Rainwater harvested by a rain barrel can be used to water gardens and landscapes. A single rain barrel can collect hundreds, even thousands of gallons of rainwater annually, save residents money on their water bills, and reduce stormwater utility fees in some localities too.
Event Details:
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Location: Lower James River Education Center, 1335 Colonial Parkway, Williamsburg, Virginia
Fee: $50.00
Join the James River Association for a rain barrel workshop at the Lower James River Education Center on Wednesday, September 25, at 6:00 pm. Staff members will instruct workshop participants on how to assemble and install rain barrels at home. The registration fee for the workshop is $50 and each registration comes with a 55-gallon drum and a RainRecycle rain barrel kit from The Rain Barrel Depot.
**IMPORTANT** You MUST have a vehicle capable of bringing the rain barrel(s) home with you! Dimensions of each barrel are 22.5" x 33.5"