Asian American Pastoral Cohort
Forming Asian American Leaders for Flourishing Asian American Churches
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Name of Church
Church Location
Briefly describe your calling to ministry.
350 words or less.
Briefly describe your ethnic and racial journey as it pertains to your ministry.
350 words or less.
Briefly describe your congregation and primary ministry within the church (include your role, church context, congregational size and demographics, and pressing issues).
350 words or less.
How do you envision your cohort participation benefitting you as a pastor?
350 words or less.
As part of this cohort, you will receive $500 for one project that you will implement in your church related broadly to worship. Briefly describe a possible idea and the impact you hope the project will have.
Please provide two character references (must be a superior, church board member or professional colleague):
Full Name
Contact Number
Email Address
This cohort culminates in an in-person retreat in Pasadena, CA. While accommodations and meals are provided, you must pay your way to and from the retreat. Do you agree to this arrangement as a condition of your participation in this cohort?
Should be Empty: