The purpose of the Montauk Library's display facilities is to increase public awareness of the resources of the Montauk Library and to support its mission as an educational, informational, cultural and recreational center for the community it serves.
Exhibits/displays using these facilities shall promote one or more of these purposes:
- to promote Montauk Library services, collections or programs
- to highlight current issues, events or other subjects of public interest
- to display arts, crafts, photographs, writings or collections when they promote or complement the mission of the Montauk Library
- to gain the community’s appreciation of the importance of the visual arts through exhibitions representing the diverse talent that exists within the Montauk community
Exhibitors must be residents of the Town of East Hampton. Special consideration will be given to Montauk Library patrons. Exhibitor must submit an application for the use of the display case(s) or gallery space. Exhibitor must provide a written inventory list of all items to be displayed. Exhibitor must sign the Montauk Library Exhibitor’s Agreement and Release form. All pieces to be displayed must be framed and/or mounted and suitable for safe display. Exhibitor must supply all labor and materials needed to mount the exhibit. Exhibitor must remove all displayed items at the end of the assigned reservation period. Nothing may be attached or adhered to the walls; exhibition items must hang from the Library’s gallery rail. A price list may not be displayed; however, an artist may display contact information including, name, telephone number, address as well as email and website address. Exhibit space and display cases will be managed entirely by the Montauk Library; the space is not considered private. Hours of displays shall be within the regular operating hours of the Montauk Library.
Exhibitions will be preliminarily approved by an advisory panel comprised of Library personnel. The Library Director, acting on behalf of the Board of Trustees, will possess the administrative responsibility for the final approval of applications. The Library reserves the right to deny approval based on incomplete applications. The Library is to be notified immediately if an approved exhibit must be canceled. The decisions regarding the display content and arrangement of an exhibit are solely reserved to the Montauk Library.
The Library is not responsible for the security of displayed items. All items are understood and acknowledged to be displayed at the Exhibitor’s risk. The Montauk Library is to be relieved of all liability for mutilation or damage or loss of exhibits from any cause whatsoever. Should an exhibitor determine that the display warrants insurance coverage, it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to secure such insurance.
Exhibitor must submit press release information and other publicity, including images, to the Library for approval prior to distribution. This information may appear in, but not be limited to, the Library website and Library’s social media accounts.