Thank you for using our financial eligibility calculator. Based on the information you submitted, your income exceeds the typical threshold for financial assistance and, as a result, your family may not qualify for a campership.
With that said, we do recognize that an online calculator cannot reflect every factor that affects a family’s finances. If you believe your family has unique circumstances that warrents special consideration (i.e. you have multiple children attending our program or other extraordinary expenses), you are still welcome to submit an application to us for review.
Please note that in addition to income, the campership committee will review other aspects of your finances. Families with significant real estate equity and/or more than $250,000 in combined cash, savings or investments are unlikely to be approved.
Further, all campership grants are awarded at the sole discretion of our campership committee who reserve the right to take a variety of factors, including lifestyle choices, into consideration when determining what (if any) campership grant is awarded.