NBPA Membership 2024 - 2025
New Member + Membership Dues Renewal
First Name
Last Name
Work Email
Personal Email
Please do not abbreviate (ex. ADA, ASA, AAG)
Preferred Mailing Address
Street Address
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State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Office Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
NBPA Information
Are you interested in joining a NBPA Chapter?
Yes, please help me to connect with my local chapter
No - I am already a member of my preferred local chapter
No, thank you - not at this time
Are you interested in starting a local NBPA Chapter?
Yes, please help me to connect with my Regional Director for more information
No - I am already a member of my preferred local chapter
No, but I would like more information on becoming a State Representative
What is your designated or preferred NBPA Region?
Eastern Region (Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Washington, DC)
Great Lakes Region (Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota)
Great Plains Region (Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota)
Mid-Atlantic Region (Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina)
New England Region (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts)
Northeast Region (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware)
Pacific Northwest Region (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska
Rocky Mountain Region (Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico)
Southeast Region (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico)
Southern Region (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas)
Southwest Region (California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii)
Are you interested in serving on any of the following National Committees?
Long-Range Planning
Public Relations
Legislative Action
Social Action
Bylaws & Procedures
Organizational + Leadership Development
2024-2025 Membership Levels & Rates
( X )
Active Member (9/1/2024 -8/31/2025)
A person who is currently employed as a licensed attorney within the office of a federal, State, county or municipal prosecutor’s office, or employed as a licensed attorney within any federal, State, county or municipal organization whose job responsibilities primarily involve enforcing the law analogous to those of an elected or appointed prosecutors’ office may become an Active member of the Association upon application and payment of the applicable annual membership dues. An active member is entitled to serve in any capacity in the Association, and may be elected or appointed to any office of the Association, chair or serve on any committee of the Association, vote on any matter pertaining to the business of the Association, and represent the Association upon direction of the Board or appointment by the President of the Association.
Associate Member (9/1/2024 -8/31/2025)
A person who is a former Active member of the Association, who is a licensed attorney and who supports the principles and objectives of the Association, may become an Associate member upon application and payment of the applicable annual membership dues. An Associate member may serve on any committee of the Association, may vote on any matter pertaining to the business of the Association, and may represent the Association upon the direction of the Board or appointment by the President of the Association. An Associate member may hold any office on the Board of the Association - except for the President.
Honorary Member (9/1/2024 -8/31/2025)
A person, an organization, or a corporation whose principles and objectives are consistent with those of the Association, and who supports the principles and objectives of the Association, may become an honorary member of the Association upon application and payment of the applicable annual membership dues and after receiving a majority vote by the members of the Board. Eligibility as a Honorary member includes, but is not limited, to a person who is not a licensed attorney and is employed by one of the offices as an Active member, a member of the judiciary, and a member of law enforcement. An Honorary member may serve on any committee of the Association. An Honorary member may not vote on any matter pertaining to the business of the Association, and may not hold any office on the Board of the Association.
Student Member (9/1/2024 -8/31/2025)
A person who is matriculating at any law school in any state or territory of the United States or of the District of Columbia, and who supports the principles and objectives of this Association, may become a Student member of the Association upon application and payment of the applicable annual membership dues. A Student member may serve on any committee of the Association. A Student member may not vote on any matters pertaining to the business of the Association, and may not hold any office on the Board of the Association.
Payment Methods
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the form.
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