Conference Preparation
We look forward to welcoming you to Rome in just a few weeks. We have a wonderful programme planned and this message is to give some final information and to ask for some confirmation of a few details, for the purposes of adequate catering, room layout, etc.
Please visit the 'Information for Delegates' page on the website which we regularly update. There you will see, for example, that a projector, a Windows PC and WiFi are available in all of the rooms we will be using. You will also find information on the venues for our plenary meetings, coffee breaks, performance spaces and more.
A highlight for our conference will be a performance on Wednesday evening (repeated on Thursday for students of Sapienza University) of 'Everything that Rises Must Converge', by Flannery O’ Connor, created for the stage and directed by Karin Coonrod, performed by Compagnia de’ Colombari, taking place in the Crypt of the Sapienza Chapel. For more details, for a Press Release and to read Karin's script for the performance please visit her page on the POTW Conference website. The Wednesday performance will be filmed.
In order to prepare properly for some of our events we need to know the numbers for:
- our 'Shakespeare at Prayer' Workshop with Carol Rutter on Wednesday at 3.00 pm (NB - The workshop is now FULL)
- our Networking Dinner on Thursday at 8.30 pm
- our visit to the English College on Friday afternoon
Please note, the Networking Dinner is free of charge thanks to a very generous benefaction, but we need to know who is coming.
On Friday we have a visit planned to the English College and again, it would be very helpful to know numbers. This visit will be very special! It will be led by the College Archivist, Maurice Whitehead and he is willing to give a short presentation as part of the tour, linking the visit to conference themes. There's such a rich connection with the College and the literary landscape from recusant writers, John Milton and in more recent times with Muriel Spark and Elizabeth Jennings. So, something not to be missed!
Please complete the following information as much as you are able to.
Thank you.