Minnesota South District Convention 2025
Submit the names for your pastoral delegate, lay delegate, alternate lay delegate, and advisory lay delegate (multi-parish congregations only)
Deadline for submitting: April 30, 2025
District Handbook bylaw 2.20.5
"All organized congregations that have joined the Synod hold voting membership and are entitled two votes (one ordained minister and one lay person). To be accredited to vote, delegates shall return the proper credentials, provided by the district secretary and signed by two of the congregation’s officers, either by mailing them to the District office at a date determined by the District or by presenting them to the district secretary at the opening of the District convention. Multi-congregation parishes (comprising those congregations regularly cared for (served) by a pastor or pastors, as further defined in the Synod Bylaws) are represented at the District convention by one pastoral delegate (if not vacant) and one voting delegate, plus an advisory lay delegate for each congregation that does not supply the lay voting delegate."