Deadline for submitting: March 7, 2025
Instructions for use: The below Overtures Form is offered to all Minnesota South District congregations, Circuit Forums, official District conferences, District commissions, committees, and Board of Directors to facilitate the submission of overtures to the 2025 Minnesota South District Convention in a uniform manner.
Tips to help you use the Overtures Form:
- The title for an overture must always begin with "TO:" and should identify in a few words the intent of the overture.
- Begin each WHEREAS or Resolved paragraph by capitalizing each word.
- The final WHEREAS paragraph should conclude with "therefore be it."
- The second-to-last Resolved paragraph should conclude with "and be it finally."
- You may add additional WHEREAS or Resolved paragraphs as needed by highlighting an existing line and then copying and pasting it on a new line.
- Overtures will only be considered if they are received at the District office by March 7, 2025.