2025 Board of Directors Application
The Board of Directors of the REALTORS® Association of Savannah Area REALTORS®, Inc. is responsible for making policy decisions that govern the Association within the Bylaws and Policies. Among other duties, the Directors have the responsibility to approve the Association’s annual budget, establish membership dues, determine local policy positions as they pertain to the real estate industry, approve governing policies of the Association, authorize the Association’s entry into contractual agreements, enact necessary amendments to the Bylaws, attend Director Meetings, support and attend general membership and education programs. Since the Association is incorporated in the State of Georgia, the responsibilities and actions of the Directors fall under the broad scope of corporate law. Corporations, by necessity, must act and take corporate initiatives through individuals in responsible roles, such as Directors. As the corporation's representatives, the Board of Directors has the authority to authorize the ordinary business of a corporation within the scope of its corporate charter.
Good Faith Effort Required
Directors of the corporation have a fiduciary relationship with the corporation and are required to use the utmost good faith in exercising their power in the interests of the corporation. A Director must perform their duties as a Director in a manner he/she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation with such care as an ordinary prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. If a Director of this corporation performs their duties in compliance with corporate law, then no liability by reason of being or having been a Director of the corporation will attach to the individual. If an Officer or Director has breached their fiduciary duty, then civil liability could be imposed on the individual Officer or Director. Therefore, an individual Director must make a decision on the information provided and in the best interests of the corporation rather than on how other bodies or individuals have directed them to vote.
Represent Association Interests
Once an individual assumes the position of a Director, they are not representative of the people that elected them, but rather a representative of the parent corporation, and due to this, are required to act in the corporation's best interest. As a member of the Board of Directors, you represent all Association members, not just those in your real estate company. A Director cannot be dictated to or by anyone how to vote. Directors are not proxies for the electing group. If they abrogate their right to vote and follow the wishes of others, they would be in breach of their duty.
Confidentiality Required and Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Corporation law regarding Directors of corporations indicates several additional responsibilities. Directors must maintain confidentiality of facts and plans of the corporation that could affect its competitive position. Directors must not profit to the detriment of the Association. They must fully disclose any conflicts of interest and should not even participate in a debate when they have a financial interest.
Job Description
It shall be the duty of each Director to attend all regular BOD meetings. In accordance with our Bylaws, failing to attend 3 regular BOD meetings will constitute your removal as a Director. Directors are encouraged to attend membership luncheons, events, and conferences.
Qualifications to Serve on Board of Directors
1. Any member serving on the Board of Directors must be a REALTOR® member of the Association in good standing. -- 2. No firm shall have more than three (3) voting Directors at any time serving on the Board of Directors. -- 3. The elected officers of the Board shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice President of Professional Development, a Vice President of Community Relations, a Vice President of Member Services, and a Vice President of Governmental Affairs. To serve as an Officer, a member must have served at least one year as a member of the Board of Directors. To serve as President-Elect, a member must have served at least one year as an officer of BOARD and shall not serve concurrently as an SMLC Officer or Director except for the SMLC representative. They shall be elected for one year or until successors are elected. No member shall serve more than four consecutive years as a Vice President. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President. Only the office of President-Elect is automatic for election to the office of President the following year. -- 4. The governing body of the Board shall be a Board of Directors consisting of elected officers and twelve (12) REALTOR® Members of the Association. To serve as a director, a member must have been a member of and attended meetings of two or more committees or workgroups within the past 24 months.
1. Applications are due Thursday, October 17, by 5:00 PM -- 2. In-person Candidate Interviews will be held on Monday, October 21 -- 3. The Nominating Committee will present the Slate to the Board of Directors for Approval. -- 4. Before the slate is sent electronically to each Member eligible to vote, the President-Elect will designate which Vice President candidate shall fill each of the four positions. -- 5. The slate will be sent electronically to each Member eligible to vote at least three (3) weeks preceding the election. The election will be at the General Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 14. -- 6. Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by petition signed by at least 5% of the Members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer at least two (2) weeks before the election. The Chief Executive Officer shall send notice of such additional nominations to all Members eligible to vote at least seven (7) days before the election.
Available Seats for the 2025 SAR Board of Directors
President-Elect; VP Community Relations; VP Governmental Affairs; VP Member Services; VP Professional Development; (1 seat) Director (1 Year Term); (1 seat) Director (2 Year Term); (4 seats) Director (3 yr. Term)
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The following positions are open for election. Please select the positions you are interested in serving.
President Elect
4 Vice President Seats (1 yr. Term)
4 Director Seats (3 Yr. Terms)
1 Director Seat (2 yr. Term)
1 Director Seat (1 yr. Term)
Do you currently hold a position on the Board of Directors? If yes, please indicate your current position and how many consecutive terms.
Do you currently serve on a committee? If yes, please indicate which committee(s) you serve on.
Current Membership Position(s) Held (Designated REALTOR®, Owner, Broker, Associate Broker, Salesperson)
Profile of Current Real Estate Activities (Residential, Commercial Brokerage, Property Management, Appraising, Etc.)
List Membership in other REALTORS® Associations
Prior Business Occupation
List leadership positions held in other civic organizations
List activity and leadership background in the National & State Associations
List activity and leadership background with Savannah Area REALTORS® and/or Savannah Multi-List Corporation
Do you support RPAC financially?
Have you ever been suspended by GREC?
Any current action pending by GREC?
Are you able to be away from your business in order to fulfill the obligations of office?
Are you willing to commit to attending each monthly meeting of the Board of Directors (we try to schedule all BOD meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month - No regular scheduled meeting in July or December), and try your best to attend any special meetings of the Board, Association special functions and seminars, as a leader and example for membership?
Do you understand that as a Director of the Association, you would not be in a ceremonial position but one with responsibilities and obligations to help run the Association for the coming years?
Please type OR upload your bio. (optional)
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I understand that absence from three regular meetings within one calendar year shall be construed as my resignation in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws. Article XII—Meetings, Section 2. - Board of Directors Meetings.
My signature below shows that I understand that my application meets the qualifications to serve on the Board of Directors. I understand that I will be notified if I do not meet the qualifications. I understand that I will be notified if I meet the qualifications with an in-person interview on Monday, October 21, 2024.
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