Arts OutWest Consultation
We are currently developing our strategic plan 2025 - 2028. We are collecting this information to inform that process. If you would like to review our current strategic plan it can be accessed on the home page of our website:
1. Your location:
Please Select
Lachlan Shire
2. What is your occupation/practice (you can select more than one)
Arts Worker
Local Government staff member /Representative
Creative Industry worker
Business owner
Educational worker (teacher/lecturer)
Health Worker
Community volunteer
If you answered 'Other' above -please tell us a little about your practice/position:
3. In the past 4 years, has Arts OutWest assisted you with any of the following? (You can select as many as are relevant)
Cultural Planning
Promoting an event or activity
Assisting with Funding applications (Incl providing letters of support for you/your organisation)
Assisting with project planning
Providing advice
Providing opportunities for networking
Developing a project idea
Participating in a project
Provided arts or creative industry advice, support and/or information
Identify an opportunity for you
Provided general support for you/your project
Of the above assistance that you received, can you tell us a little about the quality of your experience?
4. In the past 4 years, have you engaged (as a participant or as an audience member) with any of the following Arts OutWest activities
While The World Waits (2022-2024)
Music Industry Support Program
Live & Kicking (Music Project) 2022
APRA Song Writing Workshop
Applied for CASP funding
Received a Microgrant
Virtual Art Snacks
Sold work at National Indigenous Art Fair (Sydney)
Sold work at Kew Y Anh Aboriginal gallery
Visited the Kew Y Anh Aboriginal gallery at Hartley
Viewed an exhibition/mural at a hospital
Overcome Exhibition (2021)
Waterbirds Exhibition (2023/2024)
Taken part in Vision 20/50 workshops (2024)
Attended a Plinth Show (2024)
Engaged with Media Associate Program
Attended Creative business skills workshops with Monica Davidson
Attended Professional Development: Springboard online workshops (2021)
Attended Professional Development: Funding Workshops
Attended Galari Writers workshops/residency (2023)
Attended professional development workshops
Received general assistance to develop your work/practice or project
Brewing Ballads & Being Well (Tarana, 2024)
Accessed Culture Maps Central NSW
If you answered "Other" please let us know what activity you participated in:
Of the above activities that you have participated in, can you tell us a little about the quality of your experience?
5. Arts OutWest has auspiced the following projects. Have you attended or taken part in any these?
Fast Cars (2023, Bathust)
Salvage (2022, Lithgow)
Platform Arts Hub, (2021-22 Blayney)
Kangaroo (2021, Bathurst)
Lingua Franca productions and developments
Eclectica Choir (Sounds Live Choir)
Intertwined (2024, Cowra)
RAMP (2021/22)
6. Arts OutWest's current strategic plan focusses on 4 main areas, which are listed below. Please rate the importance of these areas to YOU.
Not important to me
somewhat important to me
very important
Aboriginal Arts
Arts & Health
Cultural Tourism
Services: Promotion, Advocacy, Facilitation, Education
7. Please rate the importance of these areas to the COMMUNITY you live in:
Not important to the community
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Aboriginal Arts
Arts & Health
Cultural Tourism
Services: Facilitation of networking for artists and arts organisations
Services: Facilitation of professional development workshops
Promotion of arts events and news
Advice for artists and arts organisations
8. Do you have any comments or feedback on the above?
9. We are now working on our 2025-2028 Strategic Plan. Please select the areas you think we should be focusing on? (You can select up to 6)
Aboriginal Arts
Arts and Health
Cultural Tourism
Services: Promotions of Arts Activity and News
Services: Skills development for artists and arts workers
Creative Industries development opportunities
Arts Opportunities & pathways for young people
Accessibility/Inclusive programming
Artist Residency opportunities
Sustainable arts practice
Disaster recovery
Regional Touring
If you answered Other - please tell us more!
10. Overall - please rate Arts OutWest (1 being not at all helpful, 5 being fabulous!)
1 is Worst, 5 is Best
11. If there is anything else you would like to let us know, please do so here:
Thank you for completing the survey. If you would be happy for us to contact you to speak to you further, please compete the following:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Email
Should be Empty: