2024 NMF Board Member Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What about the mission of Northwest Minnesota Foundation excites you? Said another way, what inspired your interest to apply?
Describe the work (unpaid or paid) you do in the region, the roles you play and where geographically you do this.
(ex. I work at home caring for my and our neighbors' children in Roseau while our spouses are at their jobs; I own a small business that serves mostly customers in Red Lake Nation; I work at a bank in Hubbard County and volunteer on the finance committee for my church)
Who and where do you think of as community? Said another way, who or what places do you think of as "my people and my places"? **Please define community however you would like: it can be geographic-based, sector-based, people-based, etc. - however you define community.
What abilities, perspectives, and experiences do you want to share as a board member? If applicable, how do your skills, perspectives, and life experiences align with where the board seeks additional representation? - see the list of groups above.
Do you serve on any other boards? If so, which boards and what is the purpose of the organization?
Do you have any worries or concerns about joining the board?
Are you able to fully commit the time that is expected of the Board of Directors, per the position description provided?
How did you hear about this opportunity? Select all that apply.
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Referral from Foundation staff
Referral from current or past director
Other referral (please specify)
Please upload any document you believe will assist the committee with reviewing your application. This could be a resume or some other document.
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