2024 Overton Park Elementary School Fall Fundraiser Donation Form
If you have any questions, please contact fallfundraiser@overtonparkpta.org
Overton Park Elementary PTA is an IRS section 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
For every $100 donated, your child will receive one entry for a chance to win one of the priceless experiences we have created specifically as a thank you to all participating families! (If your family has multiple children, each child will receive one entry per $100. For example: Family with 3 kids donates $100, each child receives an entry. Or, if a family with 2 kids donated $500, each child receives five entries.)
Note: Max of 10 raffles per student.
Overton Park Elementary PTA
4865 Briarhaven Road Fort Worth TX 76109
*Note - All payments MUST be received by end of the day on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th to be included in class and grade level totals.
Yard signs will be available for pick up at the front of school through week of Fall Fundraiser.