Scores 20-28
Your answers demonstrate that overall, you are taking positive steps to participate in your own wellness across these four dimensions. Engaging in and committing to such habits now promote long-term abilities and sustainable strategies to respond to and cope with life’s challenges. Although you achieved a high overall score in this domain, you may want to check for low scores on individual items to see if there are specific areas you might want to address. You might also choose to focus on another area where your scores weren’t so high.
Scores 15-19
Your answers demonstrates that you engage in some behaviors that promote your wellness, but there is room for improvement. Take a look at the items on which you scored lower. What changes might you make, or what actions can you take to improve your score? Consider talking with a friend about areas which you wish to improve upon and exploring resources around you that can help you make small changes in your wellness practices and behaviors.
Scores 14 and Below
Your answers indicate that some of your behaviors could be impacting your wellbeing. Review those areas where you scored lower to see if there are any aspects you want to change. If you want some guided activities, sign up for the Wellness Challenge or access our Mental Health and Wellness Hub at to help you understand what might be underlying your behaviors and to help develop strategies and tools for improvement.