Purpose: This policy aims to establish a clear stance against fraudulent activities, including the submission of fraudulent reports and the forgery of signatures. Such actions undermine the integrity of our operations and can cause significant harm to our reputation and financial stability.
Policy Statement: Hialeah Academy of Music LLC maintains a zero-tolerance approach to fraudulent reports and signature forgery. Any individual found to be involved in these activities will face severe disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal prosecution.
Fraudulent Report: Any intentional act of falsifying, altering, or misrepresenting information in reports to deceive or mislead.
Signature Forgery: The act of falsely signing another person’s name on a document without their consent.
Employee: Any individual employed by the organization, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers.
Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and any other individuals associated with our organization.
Reporting Suspected Fraud: Any employee who suspects or becomes aware of fraudulent activity or signature forgery must report it immediately to their supervisor by calling or texting (786) 376-7825
Investigation: All reports of suspected fraud or forgery will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the appropriate department.
Confidentiality: All reports and investigations will be handled with the utmost confidentiality to protect the identity of the reporting individual and the integrity of the investigation.
Disciplinary Action: If an investigation confirms fraudulent activity or forgery, the organization will take appropriate disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment and legal action.
Employees: Must report any suspected fraudulent activity or forgery and cooperate fully with any investigations.
Supervisors and Managers: Must ensure that all reports of suspected fraud or forgery are taken seriously and reported to the appropriate department for investigation.
Investigation Team: Responsible for conducting thorough and impartial investigations into all reports of suspected fraud or forgery.
Hialeah Academy of Music LLC is committed to maintaining a culture of honesty and integrity. We will not tolerate any form of fraudulent activity or signature forgery and will take all necessary steps to prevent, detect, and address these issues.