Dance Audition Requirement 1 of 3
Click this link to complete the application:
Student Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email Address
Parent Phone Number
Audition Requirement 2 of 3
Answer the following questions
Introduce yourself: Provide your name and why you want to participate in Dance.
What inspired your curiosity for dancing?
Who is your favorite dancer?
House Allen has 4 Pillars: Ambition, Creativity, Friendship, and Confidence.
Dance requires time, patience, and commitment to the craft. There are fun times and not-so-fun times.
AMBITION: What dance goals do you have?
CREATIVITY: Where do you find inspiration for your creativity when constructing a dance routine?
FRIENDSHIP: Often, dancers are known as "mean girls." How do you create positive relationships with others?
CONFIDENCE: What makes you stand out as a dancer?
Audition Requirement 3 of 3
Students should be prepared to do the following during in-person auditions: Perform basic across the floor techniques. Learn and perform a short dance combination. Students should be prepared to audition with a leotard and leggings.
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