INNOVATION GRANTS are funding opportunities for Pitt County Schools High School Students for projects awarded competitively. Projects should benefit students and/or educators in a Pitt County Schools setting. Grant requests should not exceed $1,000.00.
Grant funding is a district-wide initiative with contributions from the Pitt County Educational Foundation Board of Directors, local businesses, industries, and individual donors.
How are student recipients selected?
The PCEF Outreach Committee will review applications and determine projects worthy of funding. The Selection Committee will evaluate each proposal for its innovative educational nature, realistic goals, reasonable budget, and activities, including direct student engagement. Project allocations may fund materials, equipment, and other items necessary to carry out the proposed projects. Each application must have a PCS educator, administrator, or staff member as a project supervisor.
What projects will NOT be funded?
Field trips will not be funded, nor will requests for iPads, Chrome Books, or laptops. Additionally, projects requesting food or hallway decor will not be funded. All applications must include the Principal’s and Supervisor's signature page. Any projects requiring the permanent use of or changes to the grounds or buildings must also have the approval of the Executive Director of Operations.
What are the responsibilities of the grant recipient?
Grant recipients are expected to keep records of funds spent and report expenditures on the evaluation form to be submitted by late April. Additionally, PCEF Board Members and the Director of the Pitt County Educational Foundation will visit the project on a date specified by the grant recipients. All grant materials are the property of the recipient’s school.