Field Trip Request
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Thank you for your interest in a Field Trip to San Diego Botanic Garden. School and youth group bookings (groups of 12 or more) are available on weekdays only, excluding Tuesdays. Please book at least 30 days in advance for a Facilitated Tour, or 15 days in advance for a Self-Guided Exploration via the request form below. We will respond with confirmation of your requested date(s) as quickly as we can. Thank you for learning and growing with us! Please note: Scholarship application questions begin on page 2.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email Address
School/Organization Address
School/Organization Name
Street Address
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please identify all grade/age/scout level(s) attending:
In your own words, please identify the grade/age/scout level(s) attending:
Please select your desired visit type:
Self-Guided (Year-round): Connect with the Garden's displays of botanical beauty in an independent exploration with interpretive opportunities along the way. Capacity: 200 youths max. Availability: Weekdays, excluding Tuesday.
Facilitated (February-July 2025): 1-hour, guided by an SDBG Educator. Explore the Garden through interpretive activities and standards-aligned curriculum tailored to a variety of age and grade levels. Capacity: 60 youths max (divided into 2 tours). Availability: Wednesday-Friday only. Please note: Additional program fees apply.
If selecting the 1-Hour Facilitated Tour, please indicate your topic of interest:
Please Select
General Garden Exploration (Feb-Jul), K-12
Amazing Adaptations (Feb-Jul), 1-4
Around the World with Plants (Feb-Jul), 1-4
Using Our Senses to Explore the Garden (Feb-Jul), K-1
Human and Plant Connections (Feb-Jul), 3-5
Plants and Pollinators (Apr-Jul), 2-5
Request a visit date and arrival time for your Self-Guided Exploration:
Request a visit date and arrival time for your Facilitated Tour:
Facilitated. Identify an alternative date and arrival time for your visit, in the event that your selection is not able to be booked. Afternoon arrival times available upon request. (Please note: This date must be at least 30 days from today.)
Arrival Time
AM/PM Option
Self-Guided. Identify an alternative date and arrival time for your visit, in the event that your selection is not able to be booked. Afternoon visits available upon request. (Please note: This date must be at least 15 days from today.)
Arrival Time
AM/PM Option
Faciliated. Number of attending Youths (3-18 years old), $9 each:
Self-Guided. Number of attending Youths (3-18 years old), $9 each:
Facilitated. Maximum Chaperones Allotted within 1:4 ratio, $9 each:
Self-Guided. Maximum Chaperones Allotted within 1:4 ratio, $9 each:
Would you like to add more chaperones to your group order?
Please Select
Yes I would like to add more chaperones.
No, I will bring the allotted amount.
No, I will bring less than the allotted amount.
Additional Chaperones, $17 each:
Please list how many additional chaperones will be attending, if any.
Please list how many Chaperones will be attending:
Number of Teachers/Leaders/1:1 Aides:
To best accommodate your group, please let us know if there are any individuals with mobility issues, sensory sensitivities, and/or other access needs:
Please list any additional questions, comments, or concerns:
SDBG is able to provide scholarships to Title I schools and groups who require financial assistance to visit the Garden. Funds are limited and will be awarded on a case by case basis, pending eligibility. Would you like to apply for consideration?
Are you a Title I school?
Do you require financial support to secure transportation for your visit?
List how many busses your group will need.
Please note that SDBG is able to support funding for local district buses only.
What is the estimated round-trip cost per district bus?
Please reach out to your transportation services to get an estimate.
How many field trips did this group of students attend during the 2023-2024 school year?
How many field trips does this group of students have planned in the 2024-2025 school year?
Briefly describe your group's need for a scholarship. How will a visit to San Diego Botanic Garden further your curriculur or educational objectives?
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