Epping High Holy Days Appeal
In these challenging times, the value of a comforting and accessible community space becomes ever more crucial. Our community serves as such a sanctuary during the High Holy Days and year-round, offering a warm, local, and friendly place to come together.
Hosting these High Holy Day services incurs significant costs, totaling over £20,000. (Expenses include marketing, marquee hire, materials, Chazzan, and kiddushes). While we are fortunate that some lead sponsors within the community have generously stepped forward, we rely on every member of our community to contribute what they can to make these services possible.
Empower Our Community Spirit: Your contribution creates and sustains the warm, welcoming environment we cherish during the High Holy Days and beyond. We suggest a donation of £100 per household, but please know that every contribution, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated and plays a crucial role. By donating £100 or more, you will be specially acknowledged by name during the Yizkor service as a token of our gratitude.
Thank you for considering a partnership with us. Your support ensures our community continues to be a safe space to come together, to build relationships, healing, and resilience. May your generous spirit be returned manifold, and may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
Yours faithfully,
Rabbi Yossi & Rivka Posen