Your project's ability to meet the criteria listed below will determine the total percentage of your grant award. Please read these criteria and check which ones are met in the list below.
Infill Development – The project expands the building envelope by more than 10% on vacant or underutilized land.
Code Improvements – The project extends the useful life of the structure by making significant investment in compliance with the Building Code and Accessibility Code.
Facade Improvements – The project improves the structure’s public-facing facades and ground floor space abutting the public right-of-way beyond what is required of the Zoning Ordinance.
Building Longevity – The building is fifty years or older.
Architectural Significance – The building is eligible for listing on the Local or National Register of Historic Places (1 point). The building is listed as a Local or National Landmark (2 points). All exterior facade improvements follow the Secretary of Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation.
Site Improvements – The project improves the parcel of land the building occupies including landscaping, raising the parking lot to City standards, closing curb cuts, and installing higher level streetscape to meet City standards.
Site Beautification – The applicant agrees to enhance the public realm through the installation and maintenance of public art (murals, sculptures, plaques, etc.).
Residential Units – The project adds at least one new residential unit (1 point). The project adds three or more residential units (2 points).
Significant Investment – The project substantially improves more than 75% of the existing building.