This agreement is by and between DeLancey Enterprises, LLC (Stallion owner) and mare owner as indicated:
1. This is a contract for the 2025 breeding season.
2. Only one breeder’s certificate will be issued per paid breeding fee. Mare owner must contact stallion owner when mare foals.
3. The mare shall be in a healthy and sound breeding condition, free from infections, contagious or transmissible disease and all shots given for the health and protection of the mare and unborn foal.
4. Contract is for 2025 breeding season. If mare owner decides to “roll” this breeding to 2025 season, stallion owner must be contacted by May 15, 2025 and a “roll charge” may apply if mare owner does not breed in 2025 season.
5. This contract contains a “Live Foal Guarantee.” A live foal is described as a newborn foal, which stands and nurses without assistance. If a foal is born dead, there are return privileges for the following breeding season only if Breeder is notified within 3 days and receives a veterinarian’s statement confirming death. A collection/shipping fee to ”CSE” applies for any rebreed. There will be no exceptions.
6. If the mare owner fails to contact the stallion owner for a rebreed, the year immediately following, then any and all fees paid shall be forfeited. The right to a rebreed is canceled and this contract is terminated. A rebreed fee will be assessed.
7. Mare owner agrees to have mare ultrasounded 14-17 days after the last day of insemination and notify stallion owner of pregnancy status promptly. (Need this info for AQHA breeding report.)
8. By signing this contract, mare owner certifies that he/she is the sole owner of the abovementioned mare or has authority to enter into the contract on behalf of the owner. This Contract is non assignable. Breeder strongly recommends the Mare Owner carry full insurance on mare and/or foal.
9. Mare owner may not assign this breeding contract or substitute any other mare under this agreement without stallion owner's written or verbal permission. Any attempt at assignment without the consent of the stallion owner will terminate this agreement and release the stallion owner of any and all obligations.
10. A photocopy of front and back of the mare’s registration papers must be furnished with this contract.
11. It is understood that if the above stallion dies or becomes unfit for service, or is sold by the owner before a pregnancy, this contract shall become null and void (does not apply if the mare is in foal).
12. Embryo transfers: Mare owner agrees to notify stallion owner that this is an embryo transfer breeding and must register the embryo with AQHA before the flush. In the event that multiple, viable embryos are produced from a single flush, mare owner agrees to pay an additional breeding free for each additional live foal.
13. Both parties agree that DeLancey Enterprises, LLC, the Breeder, their agents, or employees are not liable for death, sickness and/or accidents. Every attempt will be taken to deliver cooled or frozen semen to the mare owner in good condition, however once the shipment leaves CSE, DeLancey Enterprises, LLC and/or CSE cannot be held responsible for delayed arrival or condition of semen upon arrival to Mare Owner. MUST INITIAL BELOW TO ACKNOWLEDGE.