Patient / Caregiver Community Conference Reflections
Please share your reflections from attending ImproveCareNow's Community Conference. These reflections may be used in an upcoming LOOP blog post to share patient/caregiver experiences more broadly.
First Name
Last Name
Are you a Patient / Caregiver Scholarship recipient?
What is a highlight of the Community Conference? What is a specific moment that stands out?
What is one thing you learned from this conference that you intend to use when you return home?
What would you tell other patients / caregivers considering participating in ImproveCareNow or attending a Community Conference for the first time?
Anything else you'd like to share?
LOOP Blog Acknowledgment
I give permission for my responses to be used in a LOOP blog post with attribution (first name, last initial)
I do not give permission for my responses to be used in a LOOP blog post. If I am a patient/caregiver scholarship recipient, I acknowledge that I will need to share my experience in another way to fulfil my scholarship requirement.
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