Application Fee Waiver Form
Application ID
First Name
Last Name
Country of Origin
Institution 1 (Most recently attended)
Institution 1 - GPA
Institution 2 (Second most recently attended)
Institution 2 - GPA
English Proficiency Exam and Score
If you are required to submit your score, please go to for more information. If you are not required to submit your score, you can skip this question.
Select all that apply:
I have earned a 3.0/4.0 GPA (or equivalent) or higher at my most recent institutions/degree program but not prior institutions/degree programs
One or more of my prior educational institutions does not assign a GPA or letter grade
I have experienced other extenuating circumstances that prevent me from qualifying for an automatic application fee waiver. (Please elaborate below)
Does the $30 application fee pose a financial burden?
Additional comments:
Should be Empty: