Miami Alumnae Chapter seeks to provide a safe and exciting atmosphere for girls to learn more, explore new things, grow in weak areas and most importantly be free to be themselves. Please read below and sign this form.
As a Violet, I will
♦ Be RESPECTFUL to myself, my peers, family, and adults
♦ Use appropriate language and tone with others
♦ Be helpful, clean, honest, and kind at ALL TIMES
♦ Be ON TIME to meetings and events
♦ Complete my take home activities and have fun doing them
♦ Resolve conflict peacefully with the help of the Delta Violet Mentors
As a Parent, I will
♦ Bring my Violet REGULARLY to all meetings and events. If this cannot occur, I will notify the appropriate mentor in advance
♦ Drop off and Pick Up my Violet ON TIME from all meetings and events.
♦ Assist my Violet with completing all fun take home activities
♦ Be respectful of those volunteering their time as mentors, respectfully bringing all concerns and comments to Delta Violet Mentors
♦ Abstain from posting pictures/photo/video of other Violets, Mentors and Parents on social sites (i.e., facebook, my space, you tube, etc.)
♦ Refrain from bringing guests/relatives to closed events & meetings without prior approval
As Mentors, I will
Respect all participants (other youths and adult volunteers) by not using foul, hurtful or obscene language or engaging in physical violence, bullying (including cyber-bullying)1 or other aggressive behaviors that threaten the safety of others.
♦ Be ON TIME to meetings and events
♦ Provide ample notification of calendar changes (at least 5 days)
♦ Respectfully bring concerns and comments to Parents and Violets
♦ Keep information about Violets confidential
♦ Use pictures/photos/video of meetings and activities for Chapter use only (i.e. website, recruitment flyers)
I am excited to join Delta Violets and I look forward to all the wonderful experiences ahead. By signing below, I agree to fulfill my responsibilities:
With my parent or other adult, I have read the Code of Conduct and sanctions for violating the Code. I understand the Code and the sanctions. I will follow the Code of Conduct.
As a Violet {name}
I understand that my child’s compliance with the Code of Conduct is a condition of her/his participation in the Delta Violet program. I agree that the sanctions for violating the Code of Conducts are reasonable and will help my child comply.