Nomination Forms
Nomination Forms are taken as first in, first served. If it comes to the unfortunate situation where we have to turn teams away, the last teams to submit the form will be the first to go.
Fees: Nomination and Court Fees
There are 2 levels of nomination fees.
- $70 nomination fee for teams that nominate a duty referee for the season
- $100 nomination fee for teams that do not nominate a duty referee for the season
These fees are paid during the final registration process which comes after teams have been entered into the competitions. Please note, that unless otherwise organised with the referee controller, the duty refs will not be regularly scheduled onto games, but will rather be used only on emergency basis.
Court fees are $80 a week, payable in two bulk instalments at the start and midway through the season. Some other options are available if you wish; contact to organise this, or to clarify anything with the duty ref scheme.
Team Contact
Please ensure that the contact details for the manager below are correct, as they will be the primary contact for information regarding the competition (forfeits, cancellations etc)