The City of Greer International Festival operates under the statutes of the City of Greer. Below are important terms and conditions governing the leasing of facilities for exhibiting and serving at Greer City Park. Please review this information carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
POWER IS NOT GUARANTEED. Vendors must supply their power and generators must be quiet.
This City of Greer will provide 1 8ft Table, 2 chairs, 1 10x10 tent, a country sign, flag, and information sign.
Featured Countries are encouraged to bring informative items regarding their country.
Applications are due by Friday, February 14, 2025 by 5:00pm
Refunds will not be issued if you are accepted and later cancel or do not show up.
Make checks payable to City of Greer. Checks will be deposited upon acceptance into the City of Greer International Festival. Checks from applicants who are not accepted will be shredded immediately unless otherwise noted.
Vendors, their family members, or employees must refrain from any offensive or disruptive behavior. Any behavior that is abusive, threatening, or disruptive towards other vendors, the public, or staff is prohibited. Verbal or physical abuse, dangerous actions, or disruptive behavior affecting event activities will not be tolerated and may result in the vendor being asked to leave the event.
Vendors will be held responsible for any damage to City property caused by themselves, their staff, or their vehicles.
Foul or offensive language will not be tolerated. Repeated violations may result in suspension from future City of Greer events.
No open alcoholic beverages or firearms are allowed on state property. Vendors and their associates must not be intoxicated on site.
Vendors may not sell or offer any products or literature deemed offensive or which may incite violence, crime, or disorderly conduct, or promote political viewpoints.
Smoking is strictly prohibited from the festival grounds.
Vendors are responsible for their guests or anyone assisting a their booth at all times.
Animals or pets are not permitted at the event unless otherwise discussed with the event staff.
Soliciting or hawking is not permitted.