設若諸人常誦此咒能生善國、常值好時、常遇善友、財食豐富等十五種善生。而且也不受饑餓、毒藥、水火焚漂等十五種惡死。 大悲咒所加持的淨水,稱大悲水,也為信徒所常服用。認為虔誠相信觀世音菩薩,不僅可消災得福,捨報後且可往生西方極樂淨土。
The Great Compassion Repentance Service is based on the Great Compassion Mantra. The full name of the Great Compassion Mantra literally means, “Thousand-arms and thousand-eyes Avalokitesvera Bodhisattva’s all embracing great compassion Dharani.”
Some of the merits often associated with the Great Compassion Mantra are: rebirth into higher realms, meeting beneficial acquaintances, having competent facilities, bountiful food and wealth, gaining great respect, and the opportunity to learn Buddhist teachings.