First Name
Last Name
Name of business
Business website and/or social media handle
Location of business (City and Zip code)
Do you have up to date insurance for your business?(Yes or no)
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is the nature of your business/products/service?
Is your business appropriate for a family event/kid friendly? (Yes or no)
Live animals, open flames, open paint, and loud music will not be permitted at the vendor ballroom. Please type "I understand" if you have read and understand these terms.
Can you commit to maintaining an environment of respect and integrity at the MMB?(Yes or no)
This event is Christian faith-based although we do welcome other faiths and religions to attend. Are you okay with that?
Please Select
You will be required to pay a non-refundable vendor fee which will be disclosed to you if we are able to move forward. Vendor spots are on a first come, first serve basis and we cannot hold spots without payment. Please type "I understand" if you have read and understand these terms.
Are you interested in just ad placement? Ad partnership: If you would like to sponsor or partner with ad placement/business cards etc. in souvenir bags that will go home with attendees, you may do so if you are a sponsor of Silver level and above, or you may pay a separate fee of $75. (please specify here if you would like to do.) (You will be responsible with coordinating with us to get those items by 11/04/2024.)
If we are able to move forward, we will contact you directly with more information and vendor fee details. Vendor spots are secured upon payment and confirmation. Please type "I understand" if you have read and understand these terms.
Please type any extra information you would like us to know here.
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