Gromada Zuchów "Orleta”Gromada chłopców w wieku 7-10 lat (klasa 2 – 5)
2-ga Drużyna HarcerzyDrużyna chłopców w wieku 11-15 lat (klasa 6+)
11-sta Drużyna WędrownikówDrużyna młodzieży w wieku 16+ lat
I give permission for participant's name and surname* to take part in weekly meetings (zbiórki) and trips (wycieczki) taking place from September 2024 to June 2025 in the Greater Hamilton Area and within Ontario.
Description of activities involved:
arts and crafts, singing, various indoor and outdoor games, sports, day trips to parks and local activities, and campfires.
I confirm that participant's name* is physically and mentally fit to participate in the activities outlined above, except those listed here: (explain any limits on participation)
Completion of this form indicates consent to the collection and use of this information by the Polish Scouting Association.