This establishes the terms of the engagement of EIGHT STARS LLC, an Alaska limited liability company, by {applicantName}.
Tax representatives must follow certain procedures, which are designed to protect you. We will follow all federal codes and regulations that apply to the representation of your tax returns or your tax issues.
The fee for ITIN applications is $200 USD. This service is subject to the following terms:
1) You must provide original documents to our office for review, either in person or via a courier of your choice (unless you are using the virtual option with an INE and Mexican birth certificate). If sending documents by courier, you are responsible for the cost of shipping in both directions. We cannot assume any responsibility for your documents once they are out of our hands.
2) If applicable, you authorize us to disclose your passport details to the US Department of Homeland Security to verify your most recent date of entry to the United States.
3) The application fee includes preparation of the Form W-7 and W7-COA and production of certified copies, as well as reviewing and responding to one inquiry from the IRS in response to your application (if applicable). Postage and handling costs are not included in the fee.
4) If the IRS rejects your application and it must be resubmitted, we can provide you with a replacement W7-COA at no cost as long as it is for the same documents we reviewed previously.
5) We cannot guarantee the IRS will accept your application, or that they will process it within a certain timeframe. If your application is rejected due to an error on our part, we will revise and resubmit the application at no additional charge.
You agree to promptly provide and completely disclose all information and documents we request, and to verify in writing that all the information you have given is us true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and to not knowingly provide false or misleading information to us or any representative of any tax agency.
Our liability is restricted to the work we perform, based on the information you provided. If you're charged extra taxes or penalties because of information you failed to give us, you're responsible for them. We are only liable for penalties charged to you as the result of an error we made in preparing your return or representing you. We are not liable for penalties resulting from taxpayers’ inadequate records, missing receipts, or poor bookkeeping habits, nor for any interest assessed since you will have had the use of the money in the interim.
We are authorized to engage the services of consultants, bookkeepers, associates, etc. as necessary to aid in the completion of the work. If additional issues arise that were not described at the time this agreement is signed, you will be responsible for the additional costs of time, research, forms, etc. needed to complete the assignment. Every effort will be made to inform you of the additional costs before the work is performed. However, if time is of the essence due to filing deadlines, liens or levies, etc., it may be necessary to complete the work even if we cannot reach you.
Unless authorized by law, we cannot disclose your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than those related to the preparation and filing of your tax return without your consent. If you need information released to lenders, brokers, etc., either give them your own copies, or be prepared to give us written authorization. Provide adequate time for us to respond.
Your information is provided to our various tax software services, the IRS and relevant government agencies, so we can file your tax returns and relevant forms.
This engagement will result in your tax return information being disclosed to a tax return preparer located outside the United States, including your personally identifiable information such as your Social Security Number (“SSN”). We maintain an adequate data protection safeguard (as required by the regulations under 26 U.S.C. section 7216) to protect privacy and prevent unauthorized access of tax return information. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, federal agencies may not be able to enforce United States laws that protect the privacy of your tax return information against a tax return preparer located outside of the United States to whom the information is disclosed.
If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) by telephone at 1-800-366-4484, or by email at
You authorize us to contact you, including via email, phone, WhatsApp, iMessage, or SMS, to schedule appointments or to discuss tax and financial planning matters with you. Throughout the year, tax laws change, and it is often to your advantage to meet with us to discuss estate planning, trusts, tax reduction strategies, home buying, retirement planning or other wealth-building concepts.
You agree to pay all charges as invoiced, to provide a deposit as requested, and to be subject to late payment charges of 1.5% per month on invoiced and unpaid balances. All fees must be paid in full prior to finalization of any audits or agreements with taxing agencies, and prior to filing of any tax returns. You will be charged a $35 fee on all returned payments. If you bring in materials close to your deadline and need them mailed overnight, you agree to pay a minimum $50.00 postage and handling fee. If you need additional copies of documents in your file after you have been provided with them, you will be charged $35.00 per hour for copying/fax time with a minimum $35.00 cost.
It is agreed and understood that: fees are considered earned upon receipt, a breach of any of these conditions will be grounds for cancellation of representation, and that any fees paid will remain the property of the preparer as liquidation of damages.
Alaska law governs this contract. The parties agree that any litigation concerning this bid, proposal, or this contract must be brought in the Third Judicial District in and for the Municipality of Anchorage, State of Alaska, and each party shall pay its own costs and attorney fees.
If any part of this agreement is found invalid, illegal or unenforceable by an authority of competent jurisdiction, the rest of the agreement remains valid, and the invalidated portion shall be replaced with a valid provision that is as close as possible to the original substance and spirit of the invalid one.
If this engagement letter correctly expresses your understanding of the nature, scope, and terms of the services which we are to provide, please indicate your agreement by signing this contract in the space provided below.