lessors, affiliates, its subsidiaries, related and affiliated entities, successors and assigns (hereinafter "Released Parties"), on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and
1. I understand and acknowledge that the activity the Minor is about to voluntarily engage in as a participant bears certain known risks and unanticipated risks which could result in physical, emotional, or mental injury, paralysis, illness or disease, death, or damage to Minor, to property, or to third parties. I, the legal guardian listed below
risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the
The risks include, among other things: Use of TPG equipment entail certain risks that simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. Use of equipment may expose participants to the usual risk of cuts, scrapes, bruises, and rug burns. Other more serious risks exist as well. Participants may fall off equipment, sprain, injure, or break fingers, toes, wrists, feet, legs, back, or neck,
serious bodily injuries as well. In any event, if Minor is injured and may require medical assistance, you as parent or legal guardian will assume full liability and responsibility for the expenses. Furthermore, TPG employees have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. They might be unaware of a participant's fitness or abilities. They may give incomplete warnings or instructions, and the equipment being used might become loose, out of adjustment, or malfunction. There