Thank you for showing interest in allowing me an opportunity to channel your soul energy into a custom image. Your Soul Sketch will act as a screenshot into your energetic frequency, giving you a glimpse into the depth of your infinite energy and may even assist you in mapping out your soul path.
As a conduit to spirit, I use colour, textured lines and channelled light language to pull in energy and information from other realms using a personal intuitive process. When connecting through this sacred creative process I take great care to only call in energies that are working with the highest good of all involved and hold space as I would in a sacred ritual. This means I have turned my devices off and removed any distractions from my space, as well I am using crystals, cards and other witchy things to help me connect with your spirit guides and the ascending masters who are part of your soul path.
There are a few ways these sketches can be done:
You get to pick if the image is a portrait created with a reference photo of your current form, or the image can be channelled in based on soul energetics. If a reference photo is not being used, you can decide if you want the image to contain a face or be pure energetic images.
An energetic image could be completely abstract with a mix of symbols, but some images may present themselves amongst the sketchy lines, this could be plant life/ the crystal kingdom/ winged beings or even structures or building, (really there is no guarantee on what will show up, but it will not be in portrait form).
Portrait images will also contain energetic channelling through the line works and sacred symbolism in some shape or form.
Each sketch will receive a statement that is channelled in as a message for the receiver.
(See examples below)