Basic Information About
This domain name is NOT owned by Virtual Organization Management Institute and, therefore, any information that you provide will be forwarded to a Private Party who is the actual owner of such domain name.
The Sale Price for is currently listed on Afternic :: a Godaddy company. Godaddy is the world's largest, most prestigious and reputable domain registration and services provider.
Please note that the final purchase price of any domain is always subject to negotiation since the Internic domain purchase negotiator cannot be expected to know the intrinsic value of every single domain listed for sale on their platform.
In other words, you know more about this domain than all the expert domain purchase negotiators in the world since none of them have access to the valuable and detailed information about the intrinsic value of domain you have already been provided.
Hence, you are welcome to proceed directly to Afternic in order to begin the negotiation and purchase process.
However, that being said, please keep in mind that we are currently making available this domain to the world's leading and most prestigious organizations in the following fields or sectors that you will be competing with:
Travel and Tourism such as NEOM, REWE Group, Marriott, etc. ::: Media and Publishing Companies - with a focus on global issues and freedom of information ::: Non-Profit Organizations - with a focus on human rights, democracy, or global development ::: Technology Companies - with a focus on internet freedom, privacy, or global connectivity ::: Educational Institutions - focused on global studies or international relations ::: Political Organizations - such as think tanks, advocacy groups, or political parties with a focus on global issues.
Therefore, with respect to the standard domain purchase negotiation process, you will be completely in the dark with respect to background developments, and thus liable to lose a very Significant and Exclusive Opportunity. Hence the reason for the following opportunity.
Opportunity to Make a Last Chance Offer
You now have an opportunity to make a Last Chance Offer for which is currently listed for sale on Internic.
What is a Last Chance Offer?
A Last Chance Offer does NOT involve any sort of haggling, bidding, or back and forth negotiation. There is NO minimum offer to deal with. It's a reasonable offer you are willing to make and which makes sense to you.
If we deem your offer reasonable, we will send you a Special Link for the exact amount of your offer which will take you directly to Internic. This Special Link will expire within 7 days of issuance and the email we send you will indicate the exact expiration date and time (down to the last minute) in the PDT Los Angeles, CA Time Zone.
Otherwise, you will not hear from us.
Investment Consideration: Opportunity or Commodity
Opportunity is in the eye of the beholder. As such, its value is immediately recognizable; and thus, is something that the beholder is willing to fight and even bid for.
Whereas a Commodity is something that you need to buy into whose value is negotiable. Assuming that all things are equal, the cheaper, the better.
Crucial Decision
An Opportunity. Without making any effort to sell you on the value proposition of which is currently listed on Internic, a Godaddy company, if you view its potential acquisition as an Exclusive Opportunity, then continue to read this message.
A Commodity. On the other hand, if you view this domain as a Commodity, and thus want a case to be made, or need to be futher convinced, of its value to your organization, then there is no need for you to read any further. Just stop right here, and best wishes in your current endeavors.
Our Last Chance Offer Recommendation
If you view domain as a Significant and Exclusive Opportunity, then proceed to the next page to begin the Last Chance Offer process. This process will eventually lead you to a MY BEST OFFER section so you can submit your very best offer for this domain. There is NO LIMIT to the Best Offer amount. If need be, it can even be much higher than the Sale Price listed on Afternic - it's entirely up to you.
Intent of the "My Best Offer" Option
If you feel the urgency of now to purchase this domain and want to avoid the hassle of having to negotiate, the security risk of submitting banking information prior to knowing for sure that you will be able to close the deal, or running the risk of another potential buyer submitting a better offer, then select this option.
The idea is to come up with a final number that you can live with and that you are reasonably certain will eclipse all other potential offers for - and if need be, including the Sale Price listed on Afternic.
Upon Receipt of "My Best Offer." Upon receipt of your best offer from this form, if your offer is deemed to be a bona fide offer and approved, it will be forwarded to the owner of the domain name. At which point, the owner of the domain name will obtain from Afternic a unique domain purchase link for the exact amount of your offer which will only apply to you - and forward it to your valid and verified email contact information.
This unique domain purchase link will expire within 7 days of generation. The owner of the domain name will provide you with the actual expiration date and time of this link. It is very precise, down to the last hour and minute; therefore, you will need to begin the domain purchase process prior to the expiration date and time.
Such link will take you directly to Afternic, a Godaddy domain registration company, in order to proceed with the purchase. At which point, Afternic will handle the entire domain purchase process from beginning to end in coordination with the official and legal representatives of the owner of the domain name.
CyberSecurity Information
Please note we will never ask you to call us or email us. Nor will we ever call you and email you in order to obtain private and confidential information regarding your offer. Moreover, the unique domain purchase link email will NOT have any information regarding the amount of your offer prior to your landing on Internic. You are the only party who will have access to this information prior to landing on the Internic website in order to complete your transaction.
Other Benefit of "My Best Offer"
Once the domain purchase process has begun, NO ONE will be able to submit an offer for this domain even if that party is willing to submit a Much Higher Offer than your best offer.
For example, if a bona fide potential buyer of this domain submits a My Best Offer of USD $30 Million, and you have already submitted a My Best Offer of $20 Million and begun the domain purchase process through the activation of the unique domain purchase link within its expiration date and time limit, then the owner of the domain will have no choice but to turn down the $30 Million offer. First come, first served.