WHEN Stories Submission
Tell us a little about your story to be considered for our next LIVE Event March 28, 2025 in the Milwaukee, WI area. Each event is limited to 16 speakers. If the event you're applying for fills up, we will keep your submission for consideration for the next event. WHEN Stories is so much more than a 20-min talk. It’s 6 weeks of talk development coaching, your talk transcribed into a chapter of our branded book anthology, your talk & a 15 min interview on the WHEN Stories Podcast, a premier of your talk on the WHEN Stories YouTube channel, social media acknowledgment, and professional photos of you live on stage! It’s a transformative talk AND the ultimate visibility for you and your business. ***There is an investment to participate in WHEN Stories.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about WHEN Stories? Social media? A friend? (please name your friend below so we can’t thank them)
WHEN did everything change for you? (Please be as brief as you can) Your WHEN Story is a pivotal moment-something that transformed your life.
What did you learn from that experience? And how can your message help others?
We will help you position your talk so you can use it to help promote what you do! What is your business?
Do you understand WHEN Stories has an investment? If selected the investment includes the Live event, the book anthology, branded YouTube channel placement of your talk, podcast episode and 6 week coaching for talk development as well as professional photos of you on stage. (Nothing is due until you are selected & you choose to move forward. We do have a payment plan)
YES, I understand
No, I didn't realize there would be a cost
It's important that you're ready to tell your story. If you still need (or are currently undergoing) therapy, coaching, or other help, we would encourage you to wait to sign up for WHEN Stories. How ready are you to tell your story?
Yes, I'm ready
I "think" I'm ready
I will be ready soon
No, I think I need more time
Should be Empty: