By filling out this form, I understand that volunteers do not receive monetary compensation for their services and that any of my time donated to these serving opportunities are strictly of my own volition. I am physically and mentally healthy and ready to serve. I have read and agree with the Surge Mission and promise to reflect that mission at all times while helping make this conference great! I understand that completing this volunteer form does not guarantee that my services will be required or utilized.
I would love to volunteer at Surge! Please contact me.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
If you are under 18, please provide your parent's e-mail address.
Best Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
If possible, please assign me to volunteer with the following people:
I'm interested in volunteering in the following areas....
Check-In Team
Housekeeping Team
Door Prize Team
Decorating Team
Decorating Team
Clean Up Team
Vendor Show Team
Audio/Visual Team
Food & Dietary Teaml
No preference. Put me where ever you need more help!
Please tell us if you are
A past Surge Attendee
a friend of a past Surge Attendee
None of the above
As a volunteer, you make up the backbone of this event and each and every Surge sister benefits from your hard work, enthusiasm and spirit. Thank you for your interest in making Surge an incredible event for all attendees. We are so grateful!
Submit Form
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