The purpose of this form is to assist you in scheduling and preparing for your virtual events and meetings.
In order to provide an equitable benefit for everyone, we ask for Soror's cooperation with the following:
1. When possible, please submit your online request with at least 4 weeks notice (no later than the immediate previous Exec Board meeting to ensure approval).
2. We ask members only complete requests for single meetings.
3. Requests will be reviewed and approved by 2nd Vice President.
4. Remember, we must adhere to DTG and reference the Virtual Meeting Checklist.
If your situation requires a long-term solution, we welcome you to look into the following resources:
1. Committee Meetings may be hosted by Google Meets, which is an option on the chapter calendar.
2. Zoom offers a free basic account for committee meetings up to 40 minutes.
If you have any technical questions, please email
NOTE: Chapter committees are responsible for providing technology support for in-person events.