Take Advantage of the Best Price Discount!
This form is for regular conference attendees, or exhibitors, booth attendees, and event add-on activities.
Complete the 2025 MWCEA Registration Form by March 31, 2025 to take advantage of the conference attendees early bird discount. Please note the following important details:
If you are registering as an exhibitor, be sure to check out our EXHIBITOR BOOTH SELL-A-THAN OFFER. From now through March 31, 2025, MWCEA is offering a specially priced exhibitor package that includes a combined $145 discount for early bird exhibitor & up to 4 discounted booth attendees from the same company. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/242746797455170
No refunds: A one-year credit or transfer to another company is available.
Attendees may be registered at a later date. All requests must be made in writing.
Attendees, Exhibitor Booths and Booth Attendee fees will increase as of April 1, 2025. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save! Act now to ensure your place at the event.
Be sure to READ ALL REGISTRATION ITEMS offered on this form.
1 8'x 8' pipe and draped area
1 2' x 6' skirted table
2 chairs
1 wastepaper basket
1 identification sign
Booth Personnel: MWCEA Exhibitor booth attendees must register at the regular attendee rate. FOR THE BEST PRICES, REGISTER by March 31, 2025. Rate increase April 1, 2025. (SAVE $30 NOW!)
8' x 8' booth area in your selected category which includes pipe and drape, a skirted table and two chairs, 1 wastepaper basket.
A company listing with your contact information in the exhibit list in the conference program and in the digital program book.
Discounted multiple attendee registration.
An exhibitor booth sign.
Access to electricity. (Exhibitor will responsible for electrical fee.)
The opportunity to participate in the Passport to Prizes.
You will receive an excel of the attendee list after the event that includes all onsite registrants.
Exhibitor Highlights:
Longer Exhibitor Breaks on Monday and Tuesday morning. In addition to time during the continental breakfast (7:30-8:30am), a 30-minute dedicated exhibitor break has been added mid-morning on Monday and Tuesday to “Do Business”.
Inclusion to the Passport to Prizes. (You may opt out and not donate a door prize)
We’ve also added several additional Exhibitor Bonus Benefits noted below in limited quantities to make the most of your time with the entire Workers’ Compensation Community to increase your company reach and attendee access.
To register as an attendee or exhibitor, make your selections, complete the form and submit. If you have questions, please contact, info@mwcea.net