1. These conditions shall apply to all advertisements, insets, inserts, sponsored articles or features (herewith referred to as advertisements)
2. The early bird offer is only available until 18th October 2024. After this date advertisers will be charged at full rate card rate.
3. Payment/ Purchase Order needs to be made prior to the early bird offer ending to ensure advertisment at discounted rate. Payment after 30th November 2024 could be subject to full advertising rate. - Please contact MWT directly if unsure of payment terms.
4. All advertisements are accepted subject to MWT’s approval of the copy and to the space being available.
5. If it is intended to include in an advertisement (other than a leaflet insert), a competition or a discount code then full details must be submitted at the time of booking.
6. MWT reserve the right to refuse advertisement at any time for good reason, in which case no claim on the part of any Advertiser for damage or breach of contract shall arise. Should such omission or suspension be due to the act or default of the Advertiser then the space reserved for the advertisement shall be paid in full. Such omission or suspension shall be notified to the Advertiser as soon as possible.
7. If MWT considers it necessary to modify the space or alter the date of position of insertion or make any other alteration, the Advertiser will have the right to cancel if the alterations requested are unacceptable, unless such changes are due to an emergency or circumstances beyond MWT control.
8. The Advertiser warrants that the advertisement is not illegal, defamatory, an infringement of any other party’s rights.
9. Advertisement rates are subject to revision at any time and orders are accepted on condition that the price binds MWT only in respect of the next issue to go to press. In the event of a rate increase, the Advertiser will have the option to cancel the order without surcharge or continue the order at the revised advertisement rates.
10. Accounts are due for settlement within 30 days of the due date of invoice. In the event of any account becoming overdue, MWT reserves the right to suspend insertions due under order or until such time as the sum owing is paid. Interest is chargeable on overdue accounts at the maximum rate permitted by applicable law.
11. MWT reserves the right to recover all additional costs incurred that arise as a result of the acts or defaults of the Advertiser. Complaints regarding publication of advertisements must be received by MWT in writing within one calendar month of the delivery
12. At least 2 weeks’ written notice (before 30th November 2024) is required to stop, cancel or suspend an insertion. After this date the Advertiser will be liable to pay the full rate for the insertion.
13. If copy instructions are not received by agreed copy date no guarantee can be given that proofs will be supplied nor corrections made and MWT reserves the right to repeat the most appropriate copy.