By participating in Sitar teen events, you agree to:
- Ask questions rather than make assumptions. It's okay not to know something, but it's important to be open and curious.
- Accept people as they are. Everyone has different experiences, so meet them where they’re at.
- Give constructive feedback only if someone asks for it, and always do so with respect.
- Clean up your space and return items to their proper location after using them.
- Respect others' work and ideas. Don’t take credit for someone else’s creativity.
- Welcome people, especially guests, to the Sitar community.
- Use the preferred names and pronouns people ask you to use.
You also agree that:
- We’re all aiming for a calm, positive vibe.
- This space is shared and you are not entitled to it.
- Everyone deserves to feel welcome and respected.
- Leading with patience is key in our community.
- You represent Sitar inside and outside the building.
Actions that will result in immediate removal from Sitar teen programs include:
- Actions or speech that humiliates, threatens, ridicules, degrades or frightens participants, staff and/or community members.
- Physical fighting or any form of violence.
- Touching personal areas (like the face, mouth, legs, chest, stomach, genitals, or butt). If you or another participant needs first aid, ask a full-time Sitar staff member.
- Intimate, sexual or romantic behavior before, during or after program hours while at Sitar.
- Inappropriate behavior with other participants or staff.
- Possession or use of weapons, alcohol, drugs, or other dangerous/unauthorized items.