Title: Member at Large, Board of Directors
Reports to: Board Chairperson
Applicants must be an active member in good standing with the Palisade Chamber of Commerce and are elected to a 2 year term.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Abide by the Bylaws and Board Standards of the Chamber.
- Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Identify long-range and short-term goals in support of the Chamber mission and vision.
- Guide the development of appropriate plans in support of the goals.
- Ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are established and followed.
- Monitor operational performance and program work.
- Approve the annual budget and monitor financial performance.
- Provide appropriate financial support as an individual, through business contributions, and through fundraising.
- Represent the Chamber membership as a positive community leader.
- Attend and responsibly participate in regularly scheduled Board meetings.
- Participate actively in one or more committees of the Board, as needed.
- Attend scheduled Board retreats, planning meetings, workshops or other Board development activities.
- Support and participate in membership activities and special events.
Time Commitments: APPROX. 8 HOURS/MONTH + Peach Festival (3rd Friday, Saturday, Sunday in August, annually)
For additional questons or to see complete roles & responsibilities/review bylaws please reach out to the chamber President & CEO at jessica@palisadecoc.com