Title: Member at Large, Board of Directors
Reports to: Board Chairperson
Applicants must be an active member in good standing with the Palisade Chamber of Commerce and are elected to a 2 year term.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Fiduciary Responsibility
Members of the board serve our mission and have a clear obligation to conduct all affairs of the Chamber in an upright and honest manner. Each person should make necessary decisions using good judgment and ethical and moral considerations.
All decisions of the board of the Chamber are to be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of our mission.
In order to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, members of the board agree to place the welfare of the Chamber above their own financial interests, or those of family members, or others who may be personally involved in the financial affairs of the Chamber.
- Abide by the Bylaws and Board Standards of the Chamber.
- Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Identify long-range and short-term goals in support of the Chamber mission and vision.
- Guide the development of appropriate plans in support of the goals.
- Ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are established and followed.
- Monitor operational performance and program work.
- Approve the annual budget and monitor financial performance.
- Provide appropriate financial support as an individual, through business contributions, and through fundraising.
- Represent the Chamber membership as a positive community leader.
- Attend and responsibly participate in regularly scheduled Board meetings.
- Participate actively in one or more committees of the Board, as needed.
- Attend scheduled Board retreats, planning meetings, workshops or other Board development activities.
- Support and participate in membership activities and special events.
Time Commitments: APPROX. 8 HOURS/MONTH + Peach Festival (3rd Friday, Saturday, Sunday in August, annually)
For additional questons or to see complete roles & responsibilities/review bylaws please reach out to the chamber President & CEO at jessica@palisadecoc.com