Members are owners of the LLC and do not need to be Managers. The LLC may have more than one member.
Managers have full control of all investments inside of the LLC and do not need to be Members. The LLC may have more than one manager.
This application must be completed by an individual who will be a manager in the new LLC.
Please have a manager complete this application.
For faster processing, please upload a copy of your photo ID below. If you don't upload your photo ID here, your welcome email will include a link for you to upload the ID on our secure uploads portal.
Element below is #input534 and is one of these 2:
Enter LLC Name:
Enter Trust Name:
Element below is #input545 and is one of these 2:
Please enter the managers of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName1} below:Please enter the trustees of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName1} below:
Element below is #input_569 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input_486: For faster processing, please upload a copy of {additionalMemberMgr1IndividualName}'s photo ID below. If you don't upload {additionalMemberMgr1IndividualName}'s photo ID here, your welcome email will include a link for you to upload the ID on our secure uploads portal.
Element below is #input562 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input565 and is one of these 2:
Please enter the managers of {additionalMemberMgr2EntityName} below:Please enter the trustees of {additionalMemberMgr2EntityName} below:
Element below is #input_573 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input_491: For faster processing, please upload a copy of {additionalMemberMgr2IndividualName}'s photo ID below. If you don't upload {additionalMemberMgr2IndividualName}'s photo ID here, your welcome email will include a link for you to upload the ID on our secure uploads portal.
Element below is #input580 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input584 and is one of these 2:
Please enter the managers of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName3} below:Please enter the trustees of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName3} below:
Element below is #input_587 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input_499: For faster processing, please upload a copy of {additionalMemberMgr3IndividualName}'s photo ID below. If you don't upload {additionalMemberMgr3IndividualName}'s photo ID here, your welcome email will include a link for you to upload the ID on our secure uploads portal.
Element below is #input593 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input597 and is one of these 2:
Please enter the managers of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName4} below:Please enter the trustees of {additionalMemberMgrEntityName4} below:
Element below is #input_600 and is one of these 2:
Element below is #input_502: For faster processing, please upload a copy of {additionalMemberMgr4IndividualName}'s photo ID below. If you don't upload {additionalMemberMgr4IndividualName}'s photo ID here, your welcome email will include a link for you to upload the ID on our secure uploads portal.
Please complete the application. We will contact you to get information regarding the Member(s)/Manager(s) not yet added.
Please provide three choices of names for this LLC. Choose unique names if you wish to avoid delays.
The state of {llcStateLogic} charges ${statefee} to form an LLC.
Broad Financial's fee is ${broadFinancialFee}.
Based on what you selected, the total cost to form this LLC is ${totalDue}.
A Registered Agent is a business or individual located in the same state as the LLC's registration, who agrees to receive legal documents, notices, or demands required or permitted by law to be served on behalf of the business. The Registered Agent will notify you if they receive any of the above.
This is the only purpose of the Registered Agent; they do not fill out reports or perform any other duties.
Contact Person
The Registered Agent address must be located in the same state as the LLC state selected above.
IsRaStateMatchesLlcState is a checkbox to my right. It is visible, but not displayed, using CSS. It must be checked in order to proceed.
#id_271,#input_271,#label_input_271_0::before { display: none !important;}
Arizona LLCs whose Registered Agent is located outside of Pima and Maricopa counties must be published in a newspaper. The fee for this is $80 and will be added to your total.
Titan Bank is a checkbook control banking institution providing comprehensive services to self-directed investors. Specializing in IRA LLC, IRA Trust, and Solo 401(k) checking accounts, Titan Bank is knowledgeable on the intricate workings of Self-Directed Checkbook accounts.
Titan Bank is delighted to offer new customers: