Invite your friends, wear some flannel, and join us for a fun night of community & encouragement on Friday, November 15th at 6:30 pm!
This event is completely free with the option to bring a food item and/or participate in our Food Board Competition. Flannel & Friends is open to all women 12+. An RSVP for Childcare is required and is now closed.
Food: You can sign up below to bring an item for our Community Fall Food Board. The Women's Board will provide a coffee bar as well. Our Community Fall Food board is meant to be an appetizer portion. You may want to enjoy dinner with a friend before/after attending.
Food Board Competition: If you would like to participate in the Food Board Competition; sign up below and bring your board (suggested size 12 x 18 inches). Please include a small sign with the Food Board Name/Description and its creator's Name/s (Example: "Fall Food Board" made by Freda Flannel & Priscilla Pumpkin). The Food Boards will be voted on presentation only (no tasting), promptly at 6:30pm. You can ask a friend to join you in creating your board! The first place winner/s will receive a $50 gift card. After voting, the boards will then be open for Flannel & Friends attendees to enjoy. Need some inspiration? Click Here.
PH Columbus Address: 3220 Lowell Drive, Columbus, OH 43204