Northridge Serves 2024
The information you provide will help us match you with one of our service sites. While you won't be able to request a specific project, rest assured that your details will guide us in placing you in a meaningful and impactful role. You'll receive notification of your assigned project group the week before Northridge Serves. *Please note, there are no service opportunities suitable for children under 4 years of age. *Parents and caregivers will be assigned to the same group as their participating child.
Adult #1
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Adult #2
First Name
Last Name
Would you prefer a placement at Northridge or Offsite
At Northridge
Child #1
First Name
Last Name
Child #1 Age
*NOTE: Children and youth who wish to serve will be assigned to the same group as their participating parent/caregiver.
Child #1 Participation
Service Project Participant
Child #2
First Name
Last Name
Child #2 Age
NOTE: Children and youth who wish to serve will be assigned to the same group as their participating parent/caregiver.
Child #2 Participation
Service Project Participant
Child #3
First Name
Last Name
Child #3 Age
NOTE: Children and youth who wish to serve will be assigned to the same group as their participating parent/caregiver.
Child #3 Participation
Service Project Participant
Are you willing to serve as the "group photographer" for your placement?
Yes, absolutely!
No, not this year.
Should be Empty: