PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. These guidelines have been established to ensure a smooth process to accommodate as many applications as our funding will allow in a timely and equitable manner.
- Scholarship consideration is based on need, merit, timeliness of application, and funding availability. First consideration will be given to financial need and the timeliness of the application. The Federal Poverty Guidelines (attached) and the narrative information in the application are considered to determine eligibility.
- A separate application is required for each child.
- No incomplete application will be considered. Review your application thoroughly before submission.
- All camp scholarship awards and subsequent registration will be processed by the Oglebay Institute Administration Office, not through our customer service desks.
- Submission of this scholarship application DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY ENROLL YOUR CHILD IN A CAMP. Popular weeks may fill before scholarships are awarded. We will notify you if a camp for which you have requested scholarship funding is full and will suggest available alternate weeks.
- A maximum of three weeks of camp scholarship funding per child will be awarded. Please choose your weeks carefully.
- Scholarship awards CANNOT be transferred to a different week of camp. Again, choose carefully!
- If you have already registered your child for a camp, a scholarship award may not be used as a refund for that camp. If awarded, you may register your child for a different camp or forfeit the award.
- If your child is awarded more than one week of camp and fails to attend the first week, subsequent weeks may be forfeited.
- APPLY EARLY! So that you may plan your child's summer activities, awards will be announced on a first come, first serve basis as soon as possible after March 17, 2025. Additional awards may continue monthly thereafter, dependent upon funding sources.
- Due to the volume of requests, you may be required to pay a co-fee on camps. In this instance, you will be contacted to make arrangements to pay the co-fee and complete the registration at the time of the award. Your child is not enrolled until any required co-fee is paid.
As a courtesy to our generous funding partners, your child will be required to submit a "thank you" card or letter.
If you have any questions, please call our office before submitting your application, once form is submitted changes cannot be made. We are happy to assist you. Any questions may be directed to the Administration Office at 304-242-4200 or email us at
If mailing or faxing, please print the application.
Return completed application form to:
Oglebay Institute
Scholarship Committee
1330 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
Fax 304-242-4203
If you do not have printer access, a form can be provided to you by visiting an OI facility, or you may call 304-242-4200 to request an application to be mailed to you.
Information provided on this application is considered strictly confidential by Oglebay Institute.