Grow-NY Student Attendee Application
New York Agriculture in the Classroom is offering the opportunity for students to attend the competition so that they may see firsthand the innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and for the first time, attend a student-centered workshop. Space is limited and this application should be filled out by an adult chaperone for all students they wish to bring. Students selected to pitch in the Youth Contest will receive complimentary registration and should not be included here.
Adult Chaperone Name
First Name
Last Name
School or Organizational Affiliation
County Your School or Organization is Located
Which day are you applying for? (Due to space limitations, we can only accept an individual student for one day. Students will not be selected to attend both days. Please review the draft schedule on our website to help make your selection.)
Please Select
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Both Days (With different students)
How many students are you applying to bring?
How will you and your students utilize the concepts they learn from attending Grow-NY?
Please upload the registration Excel form that can be found on our website.
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