Sharing Students' Ideas: What They're Counting / What Counts
Once you have watched the teaching resource video and used the accompanying handouts, please use this form to share your students' ideas with me. You can type up ideas, or upload photographs of their writing (as long as they are legible). By completing this form, you confirm that you have agreement from caregivers of students taking part to assign to me, Laura Mucha, all rights in their child / ward's contribution to the poem, so that I can publish or share the poem in any form.
Your full name:
First Name
Last Name
Your school's name:
Your school's borough:
Your school's postcode:
Your email address:
What are your students counting?
Please upload any images of (legible) handwritten notes here:
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What do your students think counts and why?
Please upload any images of (legible) handwritten notes here:
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Who are your students counting on and why?
Please upload any images of (legible) handwritten notes here:
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Drag and drop files here
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If there's anything more you would like to add, please do so here.
I confirm the information I have provided above is correct.
Should be Empty: