STABLING: ALL HORSES MUST SHOW OUT OF A STALL. Stabling is assigned and will be available as of 10:00 am Thursday, October 3rd until 9:00 pm Sunday, October 6th. If you would like to arrive prior to, or stay beyond the times and dates specified, you must contact the Exhibition office in advance to book your stall(s) at an additional $20.00 per horse per night.
UNLOADING: Trucks and trailers will be allowed twenty (20) minutes for unloading at barn doors, and then must be parked in designated areas.
SCHOOLING ROUNDS OVER A MODIFIED HUNTER COURSE WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM NOON TO 7:00 PM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3RD. Thirty minute time blocks may be purchased for $25/entry and MUST be paid for prior to riding. SCHOOLING ROUNDS WILL BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN 6 HORSES IN THE RING AT ONE TIME. It is strongly recommended to hack your horse(s) in the Duncan Arena so you do not have to spend much time hacking during your schooling round. The arena will be closed following paid rounds.
WARM UPS DURING SHOW: The Duncan Arena will be made available for warm ups during the show. In the case of inclement weather, warm ups may be worked into the show.
The Moose Jaw Exhibition Company will not be held responsible for any damage, injury, loss, or theft to any person, or their animals, or their belongings.
ENTRIES must be in the hands of the show secretary by 5:00 pm Monday, September 30th, 2024. Entries will not be processed without payment. All entries must be made in writing and signed by the owner/agent of the horse and the exhibitor. The parent or legal guardian MUST sign entries of all JUNIOR riders and the junior’s birthdate must be provided. A separate entry form must be filled out for each horse/rider combination, and will be assigned a separate number.
LATE ENTRIES received after the closing date WILL be assessed a $30 late fee, NO EXCEPTIONS. Additional classes may be added to your existing entry form without such late penalties.
MEMBERSHIPS: All competitors are required to have a current SHF or equivalent PTSO membership for liability purposes.
HACK DIVISIONS: Horse/rider combinations must show in the flat class on Friday in order to qualify for stake prizes on Saturday. There will be no division championships for the hack division, rather stake class prizes will be awarded.
HUNTER UNDER SADDLE CLASSES: A horse cannot be judged under saddle unless it has been seen over fences.
REFUNDS/CLASS TRANSFERS: Management reserves the right to refund any entry, minus the office fee. Exhibitors are responsible for errors on their entry forms and will not be refunded because of errors. No refunds or transfers on scratches after 6:00 pm Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.
PROTESTS/COMPLAINTS: A protest/complaint, along with $25, must be made in writing within 24 hours of the issue to the show office. The show committee (and the judge, if they so choose) will review the protest and determine a ruling. The SHF rulebook may be referenced by the show committee pending the complaint. Protest fees will be returned only if the decision is made in the favor of the complainant. The judge has full discretion if a horse and/or rider is unfit to be showing when it enters the show ring.
POST ENTERING CLASSES must be done at the show office PRIOR to the start of the class NOT at the gate. Any exhibitor adding in at the gate without following this rule may be disqualified. ONCE A CLASS HAS BEGUN (THE GATE SHUT, OR THE FIRST HORSE JUDGED) NO FURTHER ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
CANCELLATIONS: There will be no refund on entry fees after the official closing date of entries, except with a veterinary certificate stating that the horse will be unable to show during the show, or a doctor’s certificate in the case of the participant. If less than 72 hours’ notice is given, with a veterinarian or doctor’s certificate, entry fee refunds may be reduced to 50% of the fees at the discretion of show management. OFFICE FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. If MJ Ex Co cancels the show due to weather or pandemic restrictions, the office fees will be held and all other fees will be refunded
EXHIBITOR NUMBERS will be assigned per horse/rider combination. Provided numbers MUST be worn and visible at all times, including in the schooling rounds, exercise rings, as well as in the show ring. Any exhibitor entering the show ring without the correct exhibitor number may be excused from the class, or may be disqualified in the event of a subsequent protest.
MANAGEMENT reserves the right to cancel or combine any class that does not fill to their satisfaction, whereupon exhibitors shall be notified as soon as possible. The show management is not required to hold the gate for anyone not ready on time, this is a courtesy extended at the discretion of the show committee.
ATTIRE: Proper attire and presentation of horse is required. Protective head gear with properly secured and fastened harness which meets ASTM/SEI standards, properly fitted and in good condition, is compulsory for ALL competitors when mounted on a horse on the MJ Ex Grounds.
EXHIBITORS WITH MULTIPLE ENTRIES may ride more than one horse in classes requiring only individual work, regardless of age, up to a maximum of three entries. However, a horse can only be entered once in each class at the show. If there is an elimination round, each horse must be ridden in the actual class by the same rider who rode it in the first round.
CAMPING may not be available in the campground but there is power available at other locations on the MJ Ex Co grounds.
POINTS will be awarded per horse/rider combinations per placing to count towards prizes. Points will be awarded as follows:
Classes with 4 or more horses: 1st: 10; 2nd: 8; 3rd: 6; 4th: 4; 5th: 2
Classes with 1-3 horses: 1st: 8; 2nd: 6; 3rd: 4
PRIZES will be awarded at the completion of the show on Sunday; with the exception of special classes, as well as the hack division being awarded on Saturday. In the event of a tie, preference will be given to the horse/rider combination who showed in all division classes for the hack &/or hunter divisions &/or all 3 classes designated to the height in jumper. In the event the tie still remains, the horse/rider combination awarded the highest points on Sunday will be awarded. In the event, the tie still remains the rider of the combination winning the best of 3 in rock, paper, scissors will be awarded (rider must be the person who is up for the award). Awards will be broken down as follows:
Senior & Junior Ground Poles Division Champions
Senior & Junior Cross Rail Division Champions
Senior & Junior 2’0” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 2’3” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 2’6” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 2’9” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 3’0” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 3’3” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 3’6” Hunter Division Champions
Senior & Junior 0.75M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 0.75M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 0.85M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 0.90M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 1.00M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 1.10M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 1.15M Jumper Division Champions
Senior & Junior 1.20M Jumper Division Champions